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ODA Awards

HPDA has an Honours and Awards Committee that submits nominations to the ODA.  If you would like to make a nomination, please contact the HPDA President or Larisa at info@hpda.ca.

The honours and awards available are outlined below.

Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership recognizes outstanding contributions to the art and science of dentistry on either a provincial or national level for a period of not less than 30 years. The award includes a personalized, framed parchment scroll, a lapel medal and exemption from payment of ODA membership for life with the retainment of all rights and privileges of an Active Member.

Barnabus Day Distinguished Service Award

The Barnabus Day Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the dental profession. These contributions could be either sustained service to the profession for 20 years or more, or could be a single outstanding contribution. In special circumstances, this award may be given to an individual in the human sciences (not exclusive of other fields) for an outstanding contribution to dentistry. This award includes a personalized, framed parchment scroll and a lapel medal.

Service Award

The Service Award recognizes outstanding contributions to dentistry through activity or service at a component society, specialty section, and/or provincial level for a period of 10 years or more or for a single outstanding contribution at this level. This award consists of a personalized, framed parchment scroll.

The Community Service Recognition Awards

The Community Service Recognition Awards recognize ODA members who, through exceptional efforts, have made outstanding contributions to the well-being of their communities without expectation of remuneration or reward. Through their caring and personal sacrifice, they have reached out to make a difference in the lives of others.

Two Awards will be presented, recognizing outstanding service to the local community (Community), and outstanding professional service to the local community (Professional).

These Awards will be presented to ODA members who have contributed to a program that improves the liveability of a community. Monetary donations alone are not considered to be contributions or volunteerism to the community. Members will have demonstrated significant acts of generosity or kindness for the betterment of the community and to the lives of others. For the Non-Oral Health related Award, this may include such things as youth mentoring or helping the less fortunate. For the Oral Health related Award, this could include donating of professional services to the less fortunate. The roles and responsibilities of the members’ service to the community should be identified. Community can be a neighborhood, charity, school or other group. Nominees embody community pride and values while maintaining their professional identities.

This Award consists of a personalized, framed certificate and is presented by the President of the local Component Society at a Component Society awards evening or meeting.

Aileen Durham Award

The Aileen Durham Award recognizes outstanding contributions to dentistry for a period of 10 years or more or for a single outstanding contribution by individuals who are not members of the profession. Individuals serving at the component society or provincial level are eligible. This award consists of a personalized, framed parchment scroll.

Award of Merit

The Award of Merit recognizes service to the profession, and consists of a personalized, framed parchment scroll.


Citations recognize contributions to dentistry or oral health at a local or provincial level, to members of the profession or to laypersons, for single acts of merit. This award consists of a letter of commendation from the ODA President.


Premier Sponsor

HPDA Proudly Supports

HPDA Line Officers

President Dr. Terinder Kaur Chahal
Vice President Dr. Paul Andrews
Past PresidentDr. James Tonogai
Treasurer Dr. Duri Hafiz
Dr. Rajiv Butany

Contact Information

Phone 416-307-2448
Toll-Free 1-855-791-7934 ext.1032
Email info@hpda.ca
Management Bond Executive Offices
Larisa Pomula

Mailing Address    

1370 Don Mills Road, Unit 300
Toronto, Ontario
M3B 3N7

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